Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Mood: cranky
Music: Type O Negative Life is Killing Me CD party

I hadn't posted anything in a few days and missed a few times when I'd intended too. Anyway, not really interested in saying anything, just that I'm still heree and have not dropped this thing, even though some people seem to think that I'd intended to drop something else entirely. hmph.

Friday, June 27, 2003

Mood: eery
Music: KISS's Detroit Rock City sndtrk

It was just comething I wanted to test out w/ the new DVD player, but this movie I related to far too well. Maybe its because I was five in 1978 and can remember what was happening back then. I was never really a KISS fan until I saw this, and they were one of the best rock concerts that I have ever seen, but my interest in them was rather faddy I must confess. Still, this movie is hilarious once in a while. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Mood: mysteriously anxious
Music: The Crystal Method

Wow! New blog, new possibilities? Can't tell so far, but my mind's not really awake yet. I was up til four A.M. this morning reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I finished the denouement this morning after I woke up at about 9:30. There was some things I wanted to see that didn't happen, but otherwise it was a good book. I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it yet, so i won't dwell on it. I've got erands I have to run today like the bank, take care of insurance, maybe even cell phone and car windshield being fixed. Until next time.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Mood: uncertain
Music: The Chieftains

Today marked a return to a more routine schedule at work. I opened serving chicken and made my usual fetching of the Richmond Restaurant order. I got just about all of the cole slaw packaged and read the latest Harry potter on my breaks. Still, the convenience checks taht are going to get me back up in the air did not arrive yet. I'm anctious. I SO want to fly again. Tonight the History Channel is doing a show on the lives of superheroes. I'm looking forward to that. Why taht's history, I don't know, but it should be fun to watch ne'ertheless. I'm still debating whether to go back to Taryn's tonight to fetch my viola or no. Its rather difficult to practice it without it. Like I practice in the first place. :P ;)

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Mood: sleepy
Music: Saphire: the Uppity Blues Women

The music selection that I'm listening to right now is something that Mom lent to me. She described it as raunchy, but it seems fairly normal to me. It sounds like three ladies having fun making music. *shrug* maybe they've got some attitude, but I'm not sure I'd call them raunchy, but then again I haven't been paying that close of attention to the CD. I was trying to order a custom Bob Dylan CD, but the web site seems to have had some trouble. I'll have to try again later. That seemed like such a neat concept, being able to custome mix a CD to order yourself. Why didn't they think of this sooner?! Or how come I'm only hearing of it now?

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Mood: politically perturbed
Music: Eddie From Ohio

Okay, soapbox time: I'm sitting here eating breakfast and turn on the "Hitler" Channel just out of habit and some guy I don't know is interviewing some astronaut I don't know. Apparently he's some hero in the astronaut world, but I don't know his story. Anyways, he makes this comment about how the only reason we beat the Soviets into space was because we're a democracy and they're communists. What a load of CROCK! Here's why this statement peeves me off: first off you're comparing apples and oranges. A democracy is a form of government, and communism is an economic system. Second off, the United States of America is NOT a true democracy. We are a Republic. If we were a democracy we would elect our officials directly. We do not. That's where the electoral college comes in. We as a people elect the electors of the president, senators, etc. The former Soviet Union ALSO happens to be a republic. That's what the R in U.S.S.R. stands for! Communism stands opposed to Capitalism. Those are the economic systems. Anyway, I know most of the people who actually read this probably understand this, but once in a while I need to fume about it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Mood: inquisitive
Music: "Sheena is a Punk Rocker" by the Ramones

"I want to hear/ read/ write(?) a poem..." [from Def Poetry jam]
...about what concerns you most.
...about the vampire who's a musical geek.
...about what Dylan forgot about.
...that didn't come from struggling through writer's block.
...about making up your own religion.
...that wasn't inspired by death, children, butterflies, fairies, or rainbows.
...that sounds like what rap should have been.
...that wakes me up to something new.
...for getting my mind out of that rut.
...that replaces coffee in the morning.
...that isn't a poem anymore. Its more. Its new. Its the next art form.

Friday, June 06, 2003

Mood: disappointed
Music: Whip It by Devo

ok, five minutes ago I knew what i wanted to type about, but here I am with a big ol' blank. I'm still trying to figure out what to cook for dinner tomorrow night. I think I made a major faux pas in front of a friend who was having an awful night, and I guess I should apologize, but I don't know if he took it personally or realized that we were just being us. Obviously this mad ramble is deliberately vague, but if the relevent individual reads this he should probably be able to figure out what I'm talking about. I was a lil insensitive. I know you were having a rough night, and I probably wasn't much help. I'm sorry. Later.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Mood: feeling productive
Music: the Essential Bob Dylan

Oh! the depressing matter of cleaning up my room. A project left undone since I moved back home. Having too much stuff does not help the matter any. I'm sure John Y. is singing Dave Brocki (sp?) by this point but the fact remains that I need to find another place for my stuff. So towrads that end I went price shopping for storage space. I looked at the Blue & Gray stoage and Genito mini storage so far. Gonna check out the one Edy's old farm near Huguenot Rd. soon before I decide which one I want to use. All this is pressed by the point taht Mom and Da intend to remodel their bathrrom and so they intend to take over mine and Craig's. That means that he and I will finally have to move out. Trouble is I have to wait for the inheritance to come through before I can do so. So much to do ahead and I don't like a minute of it. I'm sure some cameraderie will come in handy. :)

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Mood: lethargic
Music: Fantasy a 4 the "Great Basse" by Orlando Gibbons and Julia Hodgson

I came home from a busy day at work to find Dad home, which was a bit of a surprize as I expected him to be home sometime late tonight from his business trip. Not an unpleasant one. *shrug* Another package arrived today. *teehee* And my mind is just not feeling very creative right now, which is what I want it to be. maybe I should start writing this thing after I've had a good refreshing nap. Who am I kidding around here a nap is bound to be interrupted in some unfortunate fashion making the point of taking it before writing mute. I'm hoping to spend tomorrow doing some new home hunting. I have no clue where to begin. Maybe I should ask Dad for some tips. I know he's going right back on the road, but he has a cell phone, right? Okay, enough mindless meanderings. Til next time.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Mood: the party's over- Mom's home
Music: Mass of the Blessed Virgin by the Monastic Choir of the Abbey of Montserrat

Well, sometime last week i couldn't find my credit card, so I figured that I'd left it behind at a store. I called my bank, had it reported lost thereby cancelling it. What happens today?! I take my driver's license out to show it to the clerk at Best Buy and find the old credit card hiding back there. Why would I have put it back there? It doesn't go on that side of my wallet. I could have bought Taryn's BIG b-day present today it I hadn't cancelled my card already. I am SUCH a schmuck! *sigh*
Btw, any players of my upcoming Victorian Age: Sorcerer campaign- new books arrived today. Be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID! *evil cackle*

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Mood: too tired to tell
Music: Celtic folk (at the moment- No Frontiers by Mary Black, but whatever comes on the station)

Too exhausted to think of a real subject of conversation. Apologies to those who actually read my site. Thanks for stopping by. Do come again. ;)

Friday, May 30, 2003

Mood: mildly nervous energy(you know, that feeling at the start of the day that you want to do something, but you don't know what)
Music: Lionheart by Angels of Venice

According the the Gothic calendart today records the death of two important figures of history of mythic proportions: King Arthur and Joan d'Arc. Of Arthur's death at the battle of Camlan and his transport at the hands of the three women to Avalon I know a fair deal, my knowledge of joan's death on the pyre leaves something to be desired. She seems to becoming serendipitous as of late so mayhap its time to delve into her lore. I have books that certainly mention her, but she's something pretty much glossed over before moving on to the next subject. Whether she was Christian or pagan seems to be an issue of contention based on what text I read as well, and and issue of contention in her own life as well. Too many sources seem biased. How do i find the one that's not and know it?

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Mood: releived
Music: nevermind, not worth mentioning

So the pangs of hunger enter my consciousness, and I wonder why I'm still sitting here at the keyboard clicketing away at letters to put forth some semblance of a statement into the record of my day. Of course, i don't know of what sort of food for which it is that I crave, but I do know that its time to feed the cats as they so pointedly reminded me. At least it makes them more affectionate, e'en playful, but now I'm hungry too, and here I go.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Mood: miserable
Music: Finale from The Abyss sndtrk by Alan Silvestri

Of all the mornings to forget my allergy medication why did I have to do it on the morning I work in the chicken room? That breader is horrible on the sinouses! I spent the last two hours of my shift working and blowing my nose. No fun. At least I got my car tune-up taken care of. One less issue to worry about.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Music: The Masquerade Suite by Aram Khachaturian

So my mother and girlfriend got into a religious discussion last night and were worried that I'd be offended by their discussion. Oh! contrere, mon frere (sp?) Im usually rather intrigued by such discussions, even if I do disagree with both parties. Just because I disagree doesn't mean I'm going to be offended. Okay, a couple of things Mom said got me a lil offended, but it was about her wanting to convert me. As long as she stayed off of that subject it was interesting. Meanwhile, poor Dad is bored to tears over it. Needless to say, despite the fact that I'm an atheist and Taryn's Pagan I was rooting her on. It wasn't really a winner/looser debate though, it was more like an open forum, and that's what was good about it. I probably should have contrubuted more to it, but there was enough being thrown out to bother with a third P.O.V. Taryn seemed to be defending me at one point by saying that even those people who chosen to believe in nothing have at least chosen something to believe. I don't exactly believe in nothing per se. "We are each of us gods and goddesses unto ourselves" is something of a credo that I've developed. I'm not trying to deify myself, at least not in the literal sense. I'm not on some megalomanical kick here. Metaphorically we all should take on the responsibility to the world, our community, our ecosystem, each other as god(desse)s. I grant you I'm hardly a good example of what I'm preaching here, but its an ideal by which to live. I think that psychologically people feel a need to believe in God/Goddess, or a pantheon of gods/goddesses because it takes responsibility away from the believer. "Take my sins away, God. you take it, not me." No, I say forgive yourself. Be responsible for your own sins, but work your way through the guilt, learn, and grow. That is what I believe is truly healthy.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Mood: paranoid
Music: unavailable

Sometimes I just get to that point where I don't know who to trust anymore.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Mood: sleepy, scatterbrained, enthusiastic
Music: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer theme by Nerf Herder

Enthusiastic b/c tonight I'm making it back to the pub for the first time in a month and a half! It seems a pretty celebratory night too. After the memorial service I could use something resembling a wake.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I'm gonna start using a convention I've witnessed on Megan's and Micah's LiveJournal entries: namely the identification of mood and music at the time of the entry.

Mood: feelings of acomplishment.
Music: "Fairytale of New York" by the Pogues ft. Kirsty MacColl

Those feelings of accomplishment come from freeing up some space on my computer. I went from just about all full up to seventy-five% in just a few quick deletions. Getting rid of the last of AOL helped. I had an interesting quantumphysics hypothesis goin' on earlier at work today, but I'll be darned if I'm awake enough to go into that now. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

And there it is! Evryone give a "shout out" to post comments to me! :) hahahaha
Look! Down there! At the bottom of the page! I ADDED LINKS! I'm working on adding comments next so stay tuned! :)

Monday, May 19, 2003

Having picked up The Matrix: Reloaded Album yesterday I oddly find myself in the mood for techno right now. I found the album to be better than the movie. Quite the opposite from the original where the movie was better than the soundtrack. That's my opinion at least.
Once again I find it necessary to enter another obituary onto my blog. The departing soul in question belonging to "Get Down" Gary Brown. Gary was one of the instructors at Dance Masters. He died of a heart attack while driving his nine y.o. daughter Taylor home to Northern Virginia to see her mom. His last act was to apply his foot to the breaks saving her. She dialed 911. From what I understand there will be a service for him Thursday. I think it was intended for him to be cremated. He will be missed. He was one of the best. I wish he could have taught me more. The last thing I learned from him was the basics for the tango-hustle.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Okay, I just exchanged journal URL listings with a college buddy so I guess I'd better make an entry for the evening. She mentioned playing pool again in her e-mail. I had a good time at that Monday night. I even earned a new nickname: "Clutch" because I kept coming through in them. I wasn't the best player at the table, but when the time came to put the eight-ball away I was always there. :) Go me. :) I've been so distracted by trying to write for the upcming Victorian Age: Sorcer campaign that I've been messing up or negleting other stuff in my life: like losing filter screens from the fryers at work, or not getting the credit card to push my flying lessons forward. At least I got the process of filling my prescription for allergy medication started this morning. I AM excited by the upcoming campaign, and I'm keeping so many secrets about it. I'm proud of myself for that, but it feels like I'm about to burst! Time for more resarch on that front. Gotta go!

Monday, May 12, 2003

Today is the "Cat Parade" in Belgium. Okay, without looking that up on a website one has to wonder what a "Cat Parade" would be, or its origins in mythology. I have this image of the running of the bulls with prides of house cats. And mice and birds everywhere begin to shutter. Now there's a species apocalyptic image. I wonder if Angela knows about this. I'm sure she'd love it. But why Belgium? Were they running from a broken dike? No, wait, that'd be the Netherlands then. Next door neighbor at least. I'm not completely mad. Just a lil off my rocker. Not too hard to do when I don't own a rocker. Of course there is one down in the family room though. The key word was MY rocker of course. Great, now I'm getting into a semantic argument with myself. Sign of genius, but as I'm so fond of poiting out geniuses have a higher percentage of madness. This only stands to reason: madness is defined by the social "norms" of society, and who more readily able to challenge the "norms" than a genius? Where's the fine line? I'm too sleepy to figure that out right now. Maybe next time.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Okay, I'm back... hours later. Hey! For me, that ain't bad. Oddly, I've got my radio set on the soul station. When I was frying chicken yesterday Diane caught me playing Otis Redding and loving him like she does she asked me where I got the CD. I told her Barnes & Noble. She probmptly went and bumped into her niece. Her niece said, no, don't buy your CDs here, buy 'em through the Time/Life catalog. So she''s gonna. I might order some Wilson Picket through it, but the Ray Charles I'm getting for Mother's Day will have to be from a store. The allergy medication is definitely helping. I'll have to make sure I get that prescription for Allegra. Time to go read the other blogs. Ciao.
The Gothic calendar is oddly blank today. Thus far my day is as well. A little light reading, a little Civ III, and breakfast of gluten-free waffles: not much to get ya started. Although I'm planning a little cleaning, and a little campaign writing. We'll see how much I get done. I buried my crystal yesterday. Its supposed to remain buried for three days, which means I'll dig it up and clean it off on Friday, which is my day off. I've also got a flying lesson Friday. I forget what time it is so I'll have to call DAS. Its probably ten A.M. My brain obviously isn't coming up with anything to write so I'll come back later.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Happy Cinco de Mayo, folks! Its been a miserable day between my allergies, the drowsiness from the Benedryll I used to treat it, and the occasional head-ache flare-ups that briefly occurred, today just hasn't been a pleasant one. The most interesting thing to have occurred was the procurement of my new glasses. It will take some time for my eyes to adjust to them, but they definitely seem to help. I had no idea my eyes were this bad, except when I took eye exams. Someone notable thought that my eyes might be the source of my headaches, Mom thought it was dehydration, and I think its from changes in pressure systems. Well, getting the glasses will either eliminate the problem or eliminate one of the three possible causes of my problem. Guess we'll have to see. I also received one of the books I ordered in the mail today. This book was on the Graf Zeppellin and the Hindenberg. I was hoping it would cover earlier and more airships than these, but it still gives some coverage into the ships themselves that may be usable in my Victorian Age: Sorcerer campaign. We'll see with that as well. That's enough entry for today. Till next time.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Okay, so my last entry was almost two months ago. So sue me. Life's been its usual busy and I've not had much time for e-mail much less blog-time. Its shortyly after noon and I'm writing on a stomach that's only had the bottom of a bag of Fritos so far for lunch. What direction I want my creativity to take today is way up in the air. Mostly I wanna bitch about being nagged at for whatever thing my parents (mostly Mom) can think of at the time they happen to talk to me. I actually had a conversation with Mom this morning where she said stuff other than naggy stuff. I got her to talk about the party across the street Friday night for our neighbors 50th(?) birthday. It was a surprize party and evidently he was genuinely surprized. A rather difficult thing to do in light a 50+ guest list! With that many people the risk of someone blabbing is great, but apparently he was floored. A few of the other neighbors were there as well. I was at the movies Friday night, of which of course my father had to mock. Sister did too a little last night. Hmph. Mundanes. I mean my sister wants a rich, dumb jock for a boyfriend. And I thought I was shallow!Anyways, I'm hungry. Gonna go grab some grub.

Monday, March 10, 2003

As I write this the temperature outside is 33 degrees, the sky is clear, and the moon is waxing to a quarter moon tomorrow night. I'm a bit tired, but its been exciting the past couple of days for little things. Yesterday I had my first flying lesson in two months. The lesson went well, but what was most encouraging was that I acquired the contact information for a seaplane flight instructor. Being the type of plane I want to fly commercially I am much encouraged. Tonight at Dance Masters I also learned two new moves in Salsa. The first was pretty easy to learn, the second takes a lot of work, and I need to concentrate on keeping my feet tight on my turn and knowing when to switch my partner's hand. I'm due to attend to another part of my routine now, so I'll end this here. As Stan Lee would say, "Excelsior!"

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

IiiiiiiiIIIITTT'S MARDI GRAS!!!!!! Party time! Unfortunately I still have this nagging cough. My voice apparently sounds utterly sick or totally sexy, depending on who you ask right now. And right now the cat idn't sayin'. I've got the radio streamin' on New Orleans Jazz, but its sure playing a mixture of Jazz, Swing, and the Blues from all over the area. That's good on a day like today. And with Uiscea Beatha playin' the festival of Rhiannon tonight, ahem, er Mardi Gras at least the music will be good. :)Anyways, I feel a nap comin' on. I know it was brief, but I want to at least show my hand to the world. I'm still here and writin'. Just not enough. Yesterday was farily long compared to other entries I've made so hopefully that will keep people goin'. See ya on the flip-side.

Monday, March 03, 2003

Why do I always seem to be posting about funerals and memorial services on this thing? Latest case in point: James Howell. Last Sunday we were watching Daredevil together- last night I was viewing him in his casket with a room full of SCAdians, a scant few I actually knew. Those being his wife Karen, Jenn Vermilion, and Bryan. The latter two I knew/know from role-playing. Taryn was kind enough to accompany me on this strange payment of respect. Those I met there were a very friendly and curious lot. The man I knew seemed an odd choice for one to be interred in the ground. A Viking's funeral pyre would have fitted his corpse better....IMHO.
My cold seems to finally be passing. All that's left is to be rid of this nagging cough.
On my Gothic calendar today it reads of a full moon tonight, that today is sacred to Idun- a Norse fertility goddess and guardian of the apples of immortality, today is the Witches Magickal Day, and its also Labour Day in Western Australia. Now THERE's a polyglot of information. Let's see what my Dictionary of Ancient Dieties says on idun... "Idun, and Asynjor, is the goddess who guards the golden apples of eternal life for the gods. The Aesir needed the apples for their strength and health. Idun is the wife of Bragi, the god of poetry. Her brother is the giant Thjasse-Volund. When Loki was abducted by the giant Thiassi, he gained his release by promising to give Idun to him. Loki wooed Idun by telling her he knew where she could find better apples. They went into the woods together and Idun was taken by Thiassi. Without their apples, the Aesir grew old and dissipated. They threatened to punish Loki if he did not return Idun. Using Freyjas's magic cloak, he flew into Thiassi's territory and rescued Idun. Thiassi chased them to the edge of Asgard, where he was killed by the Aesir." It seems to me that Loki used that cloak a lot. I seem to recall something about it being made of Raven's feathers and giving its wearer the gift of flight, but I'm not sure I've remembered that accurately.

Monday, February 24, 2003

I must be coming down with something. I woke up this morning with horrible congestion and its been draining into my throat. I suspect soon I'll start coughing and that my throat will be sore. Its already got that peculiar tickle one gets when something starts affecting you. My eyes are also itchy and watery. At least my lips aren't chapped this time. I took some Top Care Cold when i got home from work today. Hopefully that will give me a head start on taking this bug out before it gets worse. I've already heard that what's been going around can last as long as two months! I hope I can cut it off at the pass. I'm already taking medicine and drinking my fulids so that should help. May all of you who read this find yourself well and better than I am.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Yes, I know that last entry is an extravagant indulgence in childish pasttimes. I wrote SOMEthing didn't I?
Mercury-skinned demi-god riding the waves of the star-filled void
Pursuent of your forsaken alienity
Molded in the image of the god of consumption
Rebellious of your deity
Loaded down with wanderlust, you seek the untrodden lanes of the aether

What is this worthless life-den of a rock?
What wondrous beings inhabit here?
Do I have the right?
To choose between occupation and conscience?
Consequences are the weight of it

My morality denies me all hope of return to love
Return to Shalla-Bal
Let the guitar-riffs sing
Collect the gauntlet ring
He who woos death is no nobler a thing

What a lonely thing to be the former herald

Ode to the Silver Surfer

Monday, February 17, 2003

Given the assignment of writing something still gives a sense of dread, like I'm about to perform. I can get on a stage faster than I can unleash the full expression of my thoughts. What mad inhibitions have forced me into this... complex? Irony? Juxtaposition? Contrast? Okay, I'm at loss for the word I know is in there somewhere. I think I know what my problem is: I sit here watching the dumbe-down motion pictures that pass themselves off as teen angst. This movie whose name I have yet to learn can't even pass for an intelligent romantic comedy. Matthew Lillard and Freddy Prinze, Jr. I can understand, but has Anne Paquin truly sunk so low? Her career began with The Piano! I felt so much more intelligent watching that. Heck! X-Men was more intelligent than this riff-raff. I've been getting lost in doing research for writing a role-playing game, but how much have I really written? Very little. Pencil needs to connect with paper and needs to KEEP connecting with it. Oh dear. Here we go again....
So why am I only writing during the commercials? They've gotten me haven't they? Okay, now I know I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but have I truly lost it if I think "they" are out to dumb the masses down. Not just me. Everybody. Noone's going to revolt to the "New World Order" if they're too stupid to know that they're oppressed, right? Or am I just "suffering for my art"? What art? I haven't produced anything one could quantify as art in any shape or capacity since...Maine. Why Maine? What was it about Maine that unleashed me? Alowed me to cut loose? Is it blind admiration for my aunt and uncle?I keep asking questions, but I'm not giving myself any answers.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Okay, gotta keep this brief. Pop-Pop talked my ear off about getting settled into a career just now, and it decimated what little muse I had. Maybe I should finally sit down and write something publishable. I'm not sure these entries really count. I tend to save all my stories for role-playing adventures, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just don't profit off of that. I feel like I'm really beginning to explore the roots of Gothic fiction. I'm hoping that will help me tell the kind of stories that I want to tell for the upcoming Victorian Age Sorcerer campaign I have planned. When and where I'll be able to tell this tale is a mystery to me!Anyways, taht's my entry for the day. See most of you tonight.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Yikes! This is embarrassing to have been negligent of my blog for so long. I don't expect too many people follow it in any case, but here goes. Today was my day off from work at Ukrop's. I still did teacher training with Taryn at the studio this evening though. I had intended to have lunch with Pop-Pop today, but when I tried to contact him he was, as I later found out, buying an electric can opener at Wally World.
Mom's been edgy about what's goin' on in the world. The U.S. goin' to war has got her spooked some. We've been at war for a year and a half now. What made today so special besides Osama's promise of more attacks yesterday? Mom and Dad jokingly talked of moving to Bermuda tonight. I was thinking Iceland myself. I'd have to learn how to speak Norge and become a Lutheran, but one out of two isn't bad. I'm sure the glaciers are gorgeous and the volcanoes keep the island warm. I mean, who bothers with Iceland anyways?

Monday, January 06, 2003

As the rains pours down and my eyes droop wearily under my brow, I fathom the little challnges of the day. This morning I encountered the rudest customr as I can remember in some time. He complained about what it took to get service around the area. When I explained the system, he grew more indignant, but I found an unlikely ally amongst the other customers as a lady explained to him that the more he argued the more he made an ass of himself. Witnesses claimed his response to this was "What business is it of yours?!" but I was walking away at that point. I'd had enough. When I came back to the front I thanked the kind lady. June had done the same. The other problem of the day is that I seem to have lost my pocket watch. I hope that I might be able to find it in the car or tomorrow at work. I'm too tired to go hunting for it as of now.
Last night was Rebecca's Twelfth Night party. We had sweet potato soup, shepherd's pie, and wassail. Rebecca and her hot roommate Mariam gave away door prizes, which were basically what Tolkien's hobbits would refer to as mathoms. I got three books out the generous nature of my hostesses. After the giving of door prizes, we sat in candlelight and told ghost stories. I managed to weasel out of telling any by leaving early. I wanted a full night's rest, but it got me out of telling a story that I could not do full justice to anyways. The story belongs to Dawn, and should be hers for the telling. My life has given me no supernatural experiences that I could deem to qualify.

Friday, January 03, 2003

Its Friday afternoon and I have no idea as to what I want to do tonight. The most obvious plan seems to be to either go out and see Star Trek: Nemesis or stay home and watch either Monty Python's the LIfe of Brian or The Dark Crystal- two DVDs that I received for Christmas that I haven't had opportunity to watch yet. Although I've seen both before. Of course my mother would say to clean up my room, but that has only productive redeeming qualities, and is hardly any way to spend a weekend. I'm sure that I'll be working on my bathroom tomorrow morning and helping to take down the Christmas tree and other decorations. Depressing, and yet I'm certainly glad that this particular holiday season is over as orbid as its been. I enjoy the rain, but I could use a little sun. (momentary interruption)
Pardon that, but I had just realized that I had not yet scheduled myself a flying lesson for this weekend. I had received a gift certificate for one that I had not used yet. I just hope the sky clears up Sunday. Flying would definitely help raise my spirits. It might be just the thing to help get my life back on track. Paying off my car bill will help for certs. Too long have I put off just getting my solo. Its time that I was licensed to fly. Maybe now I'll be able to afford a lesson every week. That will certainly help. New year. Fresh start. I will return to job-hunting as well. I need something to replace Ukrop's. They don't seem interested in promoting me to manager. I must presume that my attitude needs adjusting. I'm sorry, but kissing ass just gets tiring after a while.
I hope Angela is able to get her Lord of the Rings chronicle up and running soon. I'm certainly stoked enough. I'm also considering intermittently running a Call of Chthulhu campaign once I get through the LotR rules and read CoC rules. Who knows? Other games I've considered have been Vampire: Vicitorian Age, and Demon: the Fallen. The former is certainly tempting, the latter I just don't think that I'm evil enough to do. A certain mentality is necessary to play a demon. I just don't have it. That's probably a good thing.