Monday, January 06, 2003

As the rains pours down and my eyes droop wearily under my brow, I fathom the little challnges of the day. This morning I encountered the rudest customr as I can remember in some time. He complained about what it took to get service around the area. When I explained the system, he grew more indignant, but I found an unlikely ally amongst the other customers as a lady explained to him that the more he argued the more he made an ass of himself. Witnesses claimed his response to this was "What business is it of yours?!" but I was walking away at that point. I'd had enough. When I came back to the front I thanked the kind lady. June had done the same. The other problem of the day is that I seem to have lost my pocket watch. I hope that I might be able to find it in the car or tomorrow at work. I'm too tired to go hunting for it as of now.
Last night was Rebecca's Twelfth Night party. We had sweet potato soup, shepherd's pie, and wassail. Rebecca and her hot roommate Mariam gave away door prizes, which were basically what Tolkien's hobbits would refer to as mathoms. I got three books out the generous nature of my hostesses. After the giving of door prizes, we sat in candlelight and told ghost stories. I managed to weasel out of telling any by leaving early. I wanted a full night's rest, but it got me out of telling a story that I could not do full justice to anyways. The story belongs to Dawn, and should be hers for the telling. My life has given me no supernatural experiences that I could deem to qualify.